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Askar Refugee Camp
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Askar Refugee Camp

Where is Askar Camp Located?

Askar Camp, both Old and New Askar, has approximately 15,000 inhabitants. Like any refugee camp, Askar endures many hardships: substand living conditions, poverty, unemployment and inadequate education.

Askar Refugee Camp - Established in 1950 on 209 dunums of land within the municipal of Nablus, Population: 15,000 persons, Eligible Assistance: 2070 families.Askar camp was established in 1950 on 209 dunums of land within the municipal boundaries of Nablus. In 1964, the camp was expanded to cover an additional 90 dunums. Camp residents refer to this the additional area as "New Askar". The "New Askar" is not officially recognized as a camp, there are no UNRWA installations there, and the area falls within "zone B" (shared Israeli and Palestinian sovereignty). Old Askar camp falls under Palestinian Authority control in "zone A".

Overcrowding in the camp is a serious issue and the camp committee has suggested expanding the camp's boundaries as a possible solution. However, UNRWA has no authority to carry out any expansion of camps since this comes under the jurisdiction of the host governments/authority.

Askar Camp Facts and Figures

  • Registered Refugee Population: 13765
  • Special hardship cases: 410 (1,309 beneficiaries)
  • Shelter Rehabilitation over the past 4 years: 276
  • Shelters affected due to shelling: 56
  • Number of Families that received Emergency Distribution: 2070
  • Additional of 7 class rooms including computer workshop funded by USAID (3RD Appeal)
  • Askar Girls / construction of 4 classrooms including a computer workshop funded by USAID (2nd appeal)
  • Construction of Askar Health Center 400 Square meters funded by Belgium
  • Number of Students: Male: 1737. Female 1617
  • Figures as of 30 November 2001

Askar link:


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Added: Sep 2008
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Askar Refugee Camp
Palestinian Refugee Camps West Bank Refugee Camps